Friday, September 7, 2007

A New Toy

...or is it another weapon in the old steelhead arsenal? Today, my new steelhead landing net finally arrived via John Nagy. It's the McLean M130 Weigh Net.

Some of the features include: an integrated 14 lb. scale, mesh bag that's fish friendly, it's telescoping, it folds, and the one cool feature I like about it is that it has a clip on it so you can attach it to your wading belt. This is a really lightweight, but very sturdy net. We'll see how it holds up to the pressure this fall.

The hoop measures roughly 17" X 19" with a bag that has a depth of about 17". Should be plenty big enough.

Can't wait to try it out!


  1. That opening looks a little small. Also, with it folding like that, I'd question its durability.

  2. It's the same net Nagy uses. 'nuff said.

  3. Is Nagy your boyfriend?
