Banner year for mushrooms here in Connecticut. I went out recently looking for Hens and for the 1st 5 hours of searching I was disappointed. I simply needed to find my hens! Then, a glimmer of hope - 1 small hen nestled at the base of a small oak.

I had to find more. Changed my location and within the first 50 feet of trail, I was rewarded with a stump of 4 nice fatties. Further along the path, I found 4 more, but 3 were old (much to my dismay).

Elated, I was slowly driving out, happy with my finds. Then I just happened to look out into the woods and spotted an old oak that was sprouting hens all over the place. So all total, I found 17 for the day. Not a bad day of foraging. My freezer is now busting full of hens!
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