Friday, July 27, 2007

Gotta Start Somewhere!

Welcome to Steelhead Addiction. I've set up this blog to share my experiences with anyone who enjoys steelheading as much as I do. From time to time there will be some non-fishing stories that will posted; life isn't all about fishing, is it? OK, maybe 95% fishing and 5% less important stuff like friends, family, the J-O-B and the like. If you're addicted to steelheading like I am, you know where I'm coming from.

I think about steelhead (and big lake run browns) ALOT. Not just during the season, but all the time. It's the middle of summer right now and I'm already gearing up for the fall. Tying flies: lots of sucker spawn and egg patterns. Making mental checklists of all the stuff I need to buy... tippet material, maybe a new line, split shot, fishing licenses, etc. The list goes on and on.

What is it about these creatures that drives the addict so? Is it the anticipation of the battle, or the battle itself? Is it the camaraderie amongst fishing partners? Is it the challenge of each river, or the elements?

Whatever it is, I don't really care if I ever figure out why I'm driven by steel. I'm just thankful I am, and that I have lots of good friends and family to share it with.

So stay tuned, and enjoy the ride. There will be many stories to come.


  1. For once, I am speechless. Good luck with Dave's Excellent Steelhead Adventure! For the record, please do not ever make fun of me again, as I am resisting major temptation to make fun of you right now. Fish on!

  2. I don't even know what to say. Did you say steelhead addiction or CRACK addiction? You must be using some to come up with this blog. To each their own..........

  3. 'a lot' is two words.... hahaha. welcome to the wonderful world of WRITING!! now you get to see what i do all day, hahaha

    (i posted this 'anonymous' b/c i'm too lazy to make an account, but it's your daughter)

  4. Dave, excellent work! I've tooled around the blogspot sometime before, I'm thinking about doing one for the fam actually. Looks good -- just keep up with it!

  5. Wow, I'm finding it hard not to totally make fun of you. I guess I'll have to give it a few weeks before you really expose yourself. Dork. Make sure you remind all your fans that you are the third best steelhead angler in your family. HA!

  6. (For now anyway)

  7. nice to see your photos capture your best action pose... from your knees.

    (from andy's too lazy to register buddy in WI that taught him to catch steelhead)

  8. You have a very nicely set up blog here, as well as lots of great information. I'm happy to see that other people enjoy steelheading as much as I do. Keep up the great work! Tight Lines
