Saturday, January 26, 2008

Centerpinning - day 1

Wow - what a learning experience. My new signature line for emails will be "Centerpinning is NOT easy!" I have a new appreciation for the guys who go out there with the CP reels and make it look so effortless. It took me half the day to figure out just the casting alone. Then, it finally clicked. Line and drift management are going to require some more time.

The thing with centerpin reels is that they are free spinning and have no drag. This setup just invites tangles and backlashes if you're not totally on top of your game (or have many days on the water working with this reel), or a complete greenhorn like me.

Aside from that, properly done, it is incredibly effective as my friend demonstrated to me today. He landed a bunch and I was lucky enough to land the one I did hook into. Thank God is was not a beast or I surely would have lost it. The other thing about it is the bait; skein sacks are really really really smelly and sticky. You get that smell on your hands and I think it could stay with you for days, if not weeks!

All said, I'm glad I tried it and we'll see what tomorrow's day on te river brings... hopefully some chrome or gold into the net.


  1. Hey! Nice to see you current again. I laughed my ass off when I scrolled down to see the pic of Johnner...out loud laughing for a good minute.

  2. Your nothing but a baloney dunker whats next,worms?
