Tuesday, July 31, 2007

An Evening on the River

Fished the Farmington river tonight with my buddy Jeff. Tried a new spot, over by American Legion State Forest. We walked down and found a huge hole, very deep; a great place for me to throw some nymphs. On the second cast, I netted a beautiful rainbow that went about 14 inches. Not huge, but a good start... or a bad omen as is sometimes the case when you hook up right away.

I fished a 2-nymph system. A tellico on top and a #18 pheasant tail. The PT has really been producing for me lately. After about 5 minutes I thought I was into a big brown, but as it sometimes goes, that golden blur you see beneathe the surface ended up being a sucker! At least he battled hard.

Moved upstream to the next likely looking spot and netted 3 more trout, all browns - very nice - that were cozied up against the far bank in a deep slow water pocket. LDR'ed a couple others. Got a couple more later, but that was basically my night.

Except...Originally I intended to post a couple of photos to go along with the report and had actually taken a few. Later on in the evening, I was crossing the big hole towards the tail and got into some swift water up to my waist. This is usually where my feet get swept out from underneathe me and I take a cold bath. That didn't happen tonight, but my camera bag was just open at the top enough to let some water in and the digital took the bath. Drying it out now and hopefully, it'll recover, but I'm not optimistic. Time to consider one of the new waterproof digitals...

Overall, a beautiful evening on the Farmington. The plastic hatch was off and the trout cooperated too. I'm very fortunate to have such a prolific river so close to home.

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