Saturday, April 18, 2009

Connecticut Official Opener

Good day for me today. Got to fish one of my favorite rivers that has a closed season in CT and it was well worth the wait. First cast and fish on - that's pretty hard to beat. Here are a few beauties from the day:

Normally, I'd be very satisfied with the results I had today. But sometimes you get a special fish and it makes you sit back and savor the moment. This is what I mean:

That fish was measured at 23 inches. Fins were perfect. Must be a 2 or 3 year holdover. After I landed it, I sat down on the bank and cracked and actually enjoyed a crappy Miller beer. I think I was shaking for like 15 minutes after the battle was over.


  1. Dude....nice fish. What a toad! Rock n' roll...Andy

  2. Amazing fish, Dave. I think I'm going to make a trip up there the weekend after next.
